Wednesbury World Of Craft. Exhibition and Workshops. Saturday 29 March and Sunday 30 March 11am – 3pm.
In this year where we will be celebrating colour in the Black Country - decorative arts made in Sandwell enjoy our first event celebration creativity in the borough.
Come and experience the fantastic creativity of some of Wednesbury’s local craft groups and artists.
Watch demonstrations, explore exhibitions and displays and learn new skills at a bookable workshop. This event is organised by Wednesbury Creative Network, supported by Sandwell Museums and Creative Black Country and is for all ages with activities for children provided by GoPlay.
Main entry and children’s activities free. No need to book.
Bookable Glass Fusing and Hand Cut Paper Craft workshops £5 per person.
Please go to https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wednesbury-creative-network to book your place.