The Traveling Janes have many different things to recommend them, not least the fact that a four-piece band contains members from Scotland, the United States, Singapore and Norway – plenty of travelling involved, though the name ‘Traveling Jane’ actually refers to a slang phrase given to a female performer from the late 19th/early 20th century vaudevillian traveling tent shows.
This is an international band of seasoned and award winning performers who have all carved out respected, solid profiles in the early jazz and blues scene. The music that launched the careers of the likes of Louis Armstrong and Ma Rainey is presented with all the joy and originality of the vaudevillians of old.
The band lines up as Alison Affleck – Scotland / US (vocals), Katie Cavera – U.S.A. (banjo/guitar), Amanda Lee – Singapore (piano) and Danielle Price – Norway (tuba).